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3 Commercial HVAC Issues That Disrupt Your Business in San Angelo, TX

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No matter what kind of business you own here in San Angelo, TX, the last thing you want to spend time worrying about is your HVAC system. While we can’t guarantee that you won’t ever run into problems with your commercial HVAC setup, we can show you potential issues to look out for. Read the following guide to learn about the three most common commercial HVAC issues that we see on a regular basis.

1. Clogged Air Filters

Preventing this problem comes down to the simple task of regularly change your filters. If you go too many months without at least getting your filters cleaned, then you’re probably cutting the lifespan of your entire HVAC system short. In addition, clogged air filters can lead to employees and tenants getting sick.

2. Refrigerant Leaks

When refrigerant starts leaking out of your HVAC system, your unit’s condenser has to pick up the slack. This leads to increased stress on the entire system, and it can result in high heating bills and air that’s much too hot. If the leak isn’t fixed right away, then you might also end up having to replace some pretty expensive parts.

3. Thermostat Problems

The thermostat is a little box that can cause big problems if it isn’t working properly, so it’s important to resolve any issues with it immediately. Without a working thermostat, you won’t be able to regulate the temperature in your work environment at all. Hot days will be much hotter, and you’ll be defenseless against the coldest days of the year.

When you’re running a business, you want your HVAC system to do its job quietly in the background. If you’d like to be proactive and learn more about our commercial HVAC maintenance services, reach out to our team at Bowles Heating & Cooling today.

Image provided by iStock

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