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Everything You Need to Know About HVAC Air Filters

hvac air filter

HVAC air filters trap dust and dirt from entering your HVAC system to improve the quality of your indoor air. The right air filter will greatly improve your home comfort and increase the lifespan of your HVAC system. Here is everything you need to know about HVAC air filters in San Angelo, TX.

Filter Size

When choosing the right air filter for your HVAC system, the first factor you should consider is the size. Air filters usually have labels indicating the size of the filter. The standard home air filter size is one inch, but there are other available sizes.

MERV Rating

The Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, or MERV, is the unit that measures the air filter’s ability to trap particles. While an increase in MERV rating also means an increase in the level of efficiency of an air filter, high MERV ratings are not ideal in homes since they may increase your utility bills. You should balance between air filtration level and energy efficiency when choosing the right air filter.

A MERV of 6 to 8 offers the best balance for HVAC air filters. People with allergies or respiratory problems should consider a higher MERV rating to trap allergens. You can consult HVAC service experts to determine the best MERV rating for your home.

Air Filter Material

When choosing the right air filter, consider the filter’s material. Fiberglass air filters consist of fibers laid over each other and are disposable. They are the most available filters, and they are economical to use.

Washable electrostatic filters are reusable because you can clean them with water. They use static electricity generated as air passes to trap particles, and they are very durable. Pleated air filters have folds to maximize surface area for filtering.

When you need helping choosing or replacing an air filter, contact Bowles Heating and Cooling for top-rated HVAC services. We stand by our core values to provide the best customer service possible and proudly demonstrate honesty and integrity in our work.

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