A ductless or mini-split system helps cool, dehumidify and purify the air in your San Angelo, TX, home. These systems have a lifespan of about 10 years, and they work best and last longest with routine maintenance. Here are a few common problems you might run into with your ductless system and how to troubleshoot them.
What If the System Isn’t Turning On?
If your mini-split system isn’t turning on, check that it’s installed correctly, and then check its temperature and timer settings. You can also try resetting its breakers on your power panel. If you’re still unable to get your system to turn on, get a checkup from an HVAC repair technician.
What If the System Is Performing Poorly?
If your system isn’t working as well as you’d like or it’s working at a lower efficiency than it should, you can try cleaning its filter and vents. You can also call a technician to check your refrigerant levels and refill them if needed. These steps are often enough to get your system back in good working condition.
If the problem isn’t your filters or vents, try checking the outdoor unit of your system. The condenser will occasionally build up with dirt and debris, which will affect its performance.
What If There Is a Water Leak?
In case you see water leaking indoors, check your condensate line and ensure that it’s draining adequately. Any blockage in the condensate drainage will keep your system from operating at 100%.
Troubleshooting your ductless system lets you identify some basic concerns, but you’ll be wise to call in a professional instead of attempting DIY repairs. If you see any of these problems in your home, call Bowles Heating and Cooling to give you a hand with ductless system services.
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