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Does the Size of My San Angelo Air Conditioner Matter?

air conditioners

Getting the most from a new AC installation involves more than choosing the ideal system. The air conditioner must also be sized right to meet your comfort requirements in your San Angelo, Texas, home. In HVAC terminology, size refers to the system’s cooling capacity rather than its physical dimensions. Learn why proper system sizing makes all the difference when it comes to optimal efficiency and performance.

Understanding AC System Sizing

How many tons does your air conditioner need? The HVAC term “ton” harkens back to the days when tons of ice were used for refrigeration. It represents the cooling power of a ton of ice melting over 24 hours. Today, the word is used to measure the amount of energy needed to ensure the system keeps you comfortably cool.

The Goldilocks Principle

Like Goldilocks in the familiar children’s story, AC equipment works better when it’s neither too small nor too big. Oversized systems tend to short cycle, which not only wastes energy but also compromises your comfort. Undersized systems run overtime in an unsuccessful attempt to maintain comfortable temperatures. A right-sized air conditioning installation offers multiple benefits:

  • Efficient operation means you’ll save money on energy bills all summer long.
  • A well-functioning AC system will need fewer repairs over its service life.
  • Properly sized equipment works well when you most need cooling comfort.

Cooling Load Calculations

In the past, HVAC contractors typically sized cooling equipment according to the structure’s square footage. Today, service technicians have better tools at their disposal. Professional load calculations take into account everything that impacts AC performance, including:

  • The number of windows
  • Orientation of the building
  • Ventilation and air infiltration
  • Geographic location
  • Types of appliances
  • Insulation levels

Trust the experts at Bowles Heating and Cooling to ensure that your AC installation serves you well for many summers to come. To learn more, explore our air conditioning installation services or call 325-208-1892.

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